
Yikes! Where did the time go?

'Regular' 'readers' of this 'blog' would be excused for thinking that I'd fallen under a bus, given the absolute lack of any kind of update for over a month now. But the contrary is true: far from having fallen under a bus, I'm actually - ah, whatever.

Stockholm Calling

Just like a Californian burrito maker, I've been preventing myself from spilling the beans by keeping them strictly under wraps (rim-shot!) but now seems as good a moment as any to announce that I will be moving to Stockholm. In ten days.

Stars & Stripes

I have seen things you do not wish to see, in any theatre, not even in war. Together we have seen & done what few could ever imagine, even inside these dream machines. The men emerging from cubicles with their…

Coming soon to K-Town!

Things have taken a turn for the untold here in Karlskrona, with today’s unveiling by Talan ‘Mad Skillz’ Memmott of a poster advertising the upcoming Cabaret Voltage event. Scheduled to rock the Scandinavian e-lit scene in a manner not witnessed…