Tag: Technology

Writing about tech issues by a self-confessed neo-Luddite.

  • There are layers of nerd in the WordPress universe.

  • Well, despite the seemingly unending flow of posts about Camp Davey it’s been pretty busy around here lately. In the Intramanet industry we talk about the back end and the front end. While you’ve no doubt been entertained by the travails of Scaramouche, the D/DN boffins have been tinkering away behind the scenes to ensure…

  • Yeah, yeah. I KNOW!

  • It gives me a certain comfort to have all of my works in the one location.

  • It stands to reason that a medium as subject to change as the Internet will, over time, exhibit signs of decay. In the case of a website that amalgamates posts from at least five other sites, and which has been online in one form or another since 2001, this decay manifests itself via linkrot, defined…

  • D/DN is currently down for maintenance. Here’s why.

  • I like to think of myself as a reasonably tech-savvy person. I’m pretty much on the computer all day at work, and I use a smart phone in my leisure time. And while I’m no digital guru I also like to think I know how things like the Internet work. But when it comes to…

  • As a temporary cure for my chronic case of inactivity, I’ve switched to the fantabulous Lovecraft WP theme … now, to write a new post or two.

  • Tabula rasa

    TL;DR: I’ve decided to unpublish all of my posts, and start again.

  • https://twitter.com/daveyinsweden/status/221722405838651392

  • Wireless

    This poem was published in Overland in 2012.

  • … i know, I know, yes …

  • In an effort to break the world procrastination record, I’ve spent most of today re-vamping this site’s design, mostly by riffing off a neat three column WordPress theme originally created by refueled.net that is, according to their website, “perfect for churches or other non-profits”. You can see why I was immediately interested. In other news,…

  • Welcome to [d/dn v.10] – finally! I’m currently trying to migrate all of my Blogger posts to this blog, with some difficulty. Seems I’m losing a lot of formatting, the server’s timing out and sundry other jitches are cursing my desire to upgrade and move on out. However, there is light at the end of…