Cordite #21

Cordite #21 is now online, featuring poems by Ouyang Yu, Christopher Kelen, Lu Yang, Ethan Paquin, John Gascoigne, Richard Reeves, Simon Hall, Anna Jackson, Louis Armand and Sarah French.

But wait, there’s more. Robo-poems! Yes, we’ve finally chosen eleven winning robo-poems from the MOUNTAIN of entries we received late last year. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we do.

But there’s still more. In this issue, we introduce our new reviews editor, Ali Alizadeh. Ali has already posted two new reviews (of books by John Kinsella and Louis Armand) and will be posting reviews on a more or less continuous basis from now on, giving you more reasons to visit the site! As if you needed them!

Is there more? Yep. Late last year our outgoing reviews editor Ivy Alvarez interviewed US-based poets (and partners) Nick Carbo and Denise Duhamel after running into them in a laundrette. How domestic.

That’s it for now. Stay tuned, as they say, for details of Cordite’s many and varied potential futures. We ain’t going anywhere, and neither should you. Oh, except maybe to the Cordite site. It?s easy: just click on the link above.