Last Night Betty (Extender)

'Last Night Betty', the poem, was anthologised in Short Fuse: The Global Anthology of Fusion Poetry (Rattapallax Press: New York City, 2002).
Davey Dreamnation featuring Stung, ‘Last Night Betty Extender’ (6.59).

If it seems like a long time ago that I wrote the poem ‘Last Night Betty’, that’s probably because it was. Is.

And if it seems like an eternity since I listened to this slice of mixed up toe-jam by Davey Dreamnation, a musical interpretation right up there with the rest of them, that’s probably because it is. Was. 

Until now. 

Featuring unauthorised guitar licks from Kiwi Sting impersonator Stung, and a drum beat from a nifty little app called the Rapmaster that I’ve not been able to find again, this little outtake is what in the industry is referred to as off the hook.

Strap yourself in and be prepared.

It doesn’t get much loopier than this.

Davey Dreamnation
Davey Dreamnation

Davey Dreamnation (1972–?) is an Australalian musician, vocalist, pirate and record-label owner who now lives 'in the third person'.

View his full biography.

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